3 Garage Organization Hacks That Are Ridiculously Easy And Cheap

Alivia Whitaker | July 30, 2018 @ 12:00 AM

Organizing one's garage can be overwhelming but we give you 3 garage organization hacks that are so ridiculously easy and cheap anyone can do them.  And the great thing about these garage organization hacks is that they can be done instantly to immediately improve your space!

Garage Organization Hacks: Easy To Assemble Plastic Shelves

Creating shelving in your garage can seems overwhelming.  Whether you're looking at building shelves, ordering and assembling a complex system from somewhere like the Container Store or Ikea, the task can seem gargantuan.  But it doesn't have to !   Getting your garage instantly more organized is almost as easy as doing legos. If you ever played with legos as a child, you can easily accomplish number one of our garage organization hacks!

Simply purchase plastic, easy to assemble shelving units and put them together!  There is no screwing or nailing involved.  These plastic, just very sturdy and reliable options can be found for great prices at places like Costco or Amazon online.  They are a very affordable way to add shelving in your garage.

Once you have your easy shelves put together, stack items in your garage by category and need for access.  For instance, you'll want yard tools and gardening items at eye level or lower in order to reach them.  However, less accessed items like holiday decor can be put on the top shelf.

Using these shelves will get your belongings off of your garage floor, vertical, and take up less space!  It's a win, win!

Garage Organization Hacks: Plastic Bins, Garbage Bags

One super easy hack in organizing your garage is using sturdy plastic bins.  Nothing makes a space look more organized than boxed and labeled items.  This isn't as expensive or complicated as you may think.  With sturdy plastic bins with lids, you can store almost anything in your garage no matter the size or how awkward the shape of the item.

Bins like this can be found pretty inexpensively in stores or online.  If you're looking for an even better deal, check craiglist or neighborhood sites to see anyone is getting rid of any.  Often people want to get rid of their boxes when they move.  Other than that, you can check at garage sales and second hand stores.  Thrift stores often receive a lot of bins in donations.

Once you have your bins, purchase inexpensive labels and markers (available at the dollar store or other discount retailers) and label away!  Be specific and label each item in the bin.  Group by category, access need and weight.  Make sure not to overpack a bin and make it too heavy to pick up.

Garage Organization Hacks: Over The Door And Shoe Organizers

One of the garage organization hacks you may have never heard of before is using over the door and shoe organizers in your garage!  This nifty hack is a great way to get things off the floor, collated and in a designated space.

Especially if you don't have a mudroom, a standing shoe organizer in the garage is great for shoes.  You can use this for boots, weather shoes or gardening rubber shoes.  Or you can use it for your kids shoes if you don't have a place in the house!  Keeping them off your floor and out in the garage will make for a cleaner floor and more organized home.

Using over the door shoes organizers don't have to be just for shoes.  You can also use these organizers for winter mittens, hats and other clothing or to organize decor.  There are even speciality over the door organizers made for wrapping paper and seasonal items.

You can use the real estate of your door to get items in a proper, designated place so you never lose them.  You can even use over the door organizers for tools, nuts and bolts, kids items and more!  Your imagination is your only limit as having an over the door organizer with pockets is a great place for anything that isn't too heavy.

In addition, you can visit Keylock Storage Blog for more interesting articles about organization and lifestyle: keylockstorage.com/blogs