How To Safely Store Furniture In Storage Units

Alivia Whitaker | April 1, 2021 @ 12:00 AM

Are you moving or needing to store furniture? There's a little more to it than just throwing furniture in a storage unit. We tell you how to safely store your prized furniture below.

Make Sure Furniture Is Clean 

The very first thing to do when storing furniture is to make sure it is in tip top shape.  Make sure all moving parts are screwed in an secure and make sure your furniture is good and clean.  

If you've had the furniture awhile, you might need to deep clean.  This may include hiring furniture cleaners or simply using a deep cleaner like a bissel and using the attachment to clean furniture. 

Ensuring that your furniture is in its best shape when it goes in to storage will help ensure it comes out in good shape.

Wrap Delicate Parts

You may need to wrap delicate parts of your furinture or even dissasemble.  If you've got furniture with thin legs or edges you will need to wrap those up in thick cloth or bubble wrap.  This method will also work well with anything that can be easily scratched such as a marble or wood table.

Keylock Storage sells bubble wrap at all of it's locations for customer convenience. 

Use Furniture Covers

You might think this suggestion is obvious but it is often overlooked - use furniture covers!  They are relatively inexpensive, readily available and easy to put on but so many people storing furniture don't take this extra step.

Using furniture covers is especially important when you're storing long term or don't plan on accessing your storage unit or garage very often.

You can find some great furniture covers on sites like found HERE

Place Furniture on Furniture Stands Or Pallets

A step you might have not thought of is to place the furniture you are storing on eitheir furniture stands or pallets.  This is an important step because if you're storing in a garage or storage unit, the possibility of flooding in bad weather or rodents or other hazards are always present.  

Simply raising your furinture off the ground will eliminate a lot of this problem.  You can find furniture stands HERE or get pallets at any Keylock Storage location.