Properly Storing Antique and Specialty Musical Instruments
Musical talents can be a big part of a family’s life and legacy or just a personal fulfilling endeavor. Instruments can be handed down for generations and if properly stored and cared for, can last years.
There are a wide variety of types of musical instruments and their related needs from pianos on down to trombones. Just like other antiques and sensitive items, musical instruments are sensitive and susceptible to deterioration from dust, extremes in temperature and humidity.
Climate control is ideal for musical instruments. Selecting a climate control storage options gives you the best chance for longevity and quality care in preserving your musical antiques.
General tips on musical instrument storage are:
- Cleanliness is the best policy. One of the best steps you can take to keep your instrument lasting long is properly cleaning it before storage. Different types of instruments such as drums or wind instruments often require special brushes, methods of cleaning and cleaning solutions. Find an expert or visit your local music shop to find the proper way to keep your instrument clean. Thoroughly clean and prime it before storing.
- Tune up the instrument before storing the same way you would before playing. This will keep strings from breaking or parts breaking off.
- When storing, keep the instruments off the floor and away from vents, light hot spots, and doorways.
- Always store a musical instrument in its original case and make sure the case is not frayed and is in good working order.
- INSURE your items when storing. Personal storage insurance is an easy and affordable way to protect the value of your precious items. It is the smart thing to do. You can find information about this with the local manager or on